International Symposium of Ecology 2018 - Kastamonu, TURKEY

Dear Participants
We are honored and pleased to invite you to the "International Symposium of Ecology 2018" which will be held on June 19-23, 2018 in Kastamonu by the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in Kastamonu University. The symposium language is English.
Ecology Symposiums have been organized with a national participation 7 times so far. The eighth International participation was attempted at Erciyes University. This will be the second in a series of international ecology symposiums in Turkey. We are honored to host the 9th International Symposium on Ecology which will be held at Kastamonu University. The symposium aims to bring together the latest researchers and results of various topics of colleagues such as biology, agriculture, veterinary, engineering, economy and medicine with development of ecology fields in Kastamonu. We aim to strengthen the industry and government cooperation with university and transfer experiences in committees that will present the solution offers, and discuss the current environmental problems with scientific approaches within a sustainable environmental conception. Participants will be able to present oral and poster presentations with the 22 topic title in the symposium. Additionally, we have invited four master-speaker experts in their fields. After the opening ceremony of the Symposium, the rest of the event will be performed in our halls of Engineering and Architecture Faculty.
All paper presented at the symposium will be evaluated for publication in the Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry and Kastamonu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The Symposium Committee is in talks with other scientific journals about the publication of notifications.