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Home Symposiums & Conferences Annual Joint Sector Review for the Water and Environment sector for FY2017/18

Annual Joint Sector Review for the Water and Environment sector for FY2017/18

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ENR-CSO Network Thematic Working Group meetings to discuss thematic area issues and content for inclusion into the ENR-CSOs position paper ahead of the water and environment Joint Sector Review 2018

The Annual Joint Sector Review for the Water and Environment sector for FY2017/18 will be conducted by stakeholders in September 2018 and as always, the Ministry is expected to prepare and publish an annual Sector Performance Report (SPR) for the Financial Year (FY) 2017/2018. As it has always been in the previous years, members of the ENR-CSO Network will actively participate in this year’s JSR process through documentation of their contributions to the ENR sub-sector and in addition conducting an assessment of the government’s performance against the set undertakings and commitments for the previous financial year 2017/2018.

Besides, increasing civil society visibility, participation in this process will offer an opportunity for Civil Society Organizations in the ENR sub-sector to exhibit their contributions to the sector during the 2017/2018 financial year and to engage in influencing priority setting for the sector in this new financial year 2018/2019. This is done through a CSOs position paper that highlights issues in the sector as well as providing targeted recommendations.

It’s in that context therefore that, Environmental Alert the Secretariat for the ENR-CSO network is organising a half day meetings for members of Thematic Working Groups to meet, process issues and content pertaining their themes for inclusion into the ENR-CSOs position paper.  The meetings are scheduled for 11th – 12th September 2018.



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