Humboldt-Kolleg, 2011-Antalya
VI. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems VI. Internationales Symposium zu Ökologie und Umweltproblems VI. Uluslararası Ekoloji ve Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu 17-20 November 2011, Antalya/Turkey
Mankind, especially within the last hundred years, has been in formidable conflict with his environment. This conflict has been one of the most influential factors on planet Earth, mainly because the human species has always given the first priority to his own interests without giving much regard to the needs of other living things on Earth, where he has to share his environment. Such an approach of the human species created unrepairable and multidimensional problems on our environment. These problems, which have been significantly increasing since the beginning of the last century, are the major concern for all of us, both at the local and global scales.
Suppose we consider two hundred thousand years of human existence on planet Earth as 24 hours; then, the last 25 seconds of this time interval could correspond approximately to the last 50 years. All the scientific evidences indicate that the destruction caused by human species within the last 25 seconds (i.e., 50 years) is more than 98 % of the destruction caused within the past 23 hours and 59 seconds (i.e., 199.950 years). That is why this colloquium is planned to be held in Antalya between November 17 and November 20, 2011, bringing together the Humboldt Scholarship holders and other scientists concerned with ecology and environment to discuss the related problems and possible solutions.
Being a Humboldt scholarship holder is a privilege in many ways. During this Humboldt Colloquium which is titled “VI. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems”, studies of scientists related with problems on ecology and environment will be discussed and evaluated. Humboldt scholarship holders as well as other prominent researchers who are concerned with ecology and environment are cordially invited to the symposium.
Organizing Committee