SEQL is an integrated environmental initiative for the 15-county metropolitan Charlotte region in North and South Carolina.
SEQL involves elected officials, local government staffs, business and industry groups, economic development groups and environmental stakeholder groups working together toward viable solutions to regional growth.
SEQL is regional in its vision and influence, but local in application.
SEQL promotes implementation of specific Action Items on Air Quality, Sustainable Growth and Water Resources and consideration of environmental impacts in decision-making at local and regional levels.
SEQL is funded by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Centralina Council of Governments in cooperation with Catawba Regional Council of Governments.
The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) was founded in 1984 to promote biosafety as a scientific discipline and serve the growing needs of biosafety professionals throughout the world. The Association's goals are to provide a professional association that represents the interests and needs of practitioners of biological safety, and to provide a forum for the continued and timely exchange of biosafety information.
On this official website of the American Biological Safety Association, you can find information about the ABSA Annual Conference, ABSA Review Course, Principles and Practices of Biosafety Course and other educational offerings. There is also extensive information about ABSA's two credentials, the Certified Biological Safety Professional (CBSP) credential, and the Registered Biosafety Professional (RBP) credential. The site also contains important biosafety publications such as the Anthology of Biosafety series and Applied Biosafety: Journal of the American Biological Safety Association. If you are interested in becoming an ABSA member, please see ABSA's membership information and membership application. There is also other important biosafety information on this site including: the Risk Group database, Biosafety Links, Biosafety Listserv, White Papers, Job Opportunities, and more. Please e-mail
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if you have any questions or would like additional information.

About Us
Our Mission
ISEC’s mission is to protect and renew ecological and social well being by promoting a systemic shift away from economic globalization towards localization. Through its ‘education for action’ programs, ISEC develops innovative models and tools to catalyze collaboration for strategic change at the community and international level.
Our History
ISEC’s work began as The Ladakh Project more than thirty years ago in the Himalayan region of Ladakh. The organization initially focused on supporting Ladakh’s indigenous culture by bringing information to balance the idealized images of the consumer culture flooding into the region through tourism and development. In 1986, ISEC’s director Helena Norberg-Hodge won the Right Livelihood Award for groundbreaking sustainability work in the region.
Over the years, the organisation’s focus has expanded to address more global concerns and in 1991 changed its name to the International Society for Ecology and Culture to reflect that shift. We have made advocating for localization the main priority of our work. ISEC is almost unique in promoting localization from an international perspective – showing the benefits for the Third World as well as for the First World, and promoting the local, globally.

IFCAE's Mission
- The Institute for Culture and Ecology is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to conduct collaborative, interdisciplinary research-based initiatives that foster vibrant and resilient livelihoods, communities, and ecosystems. Since its formation in 1999, IFCAE has worked effectively in collaboration with communities to improve human and environmental conditions through applied research, education, and community improvement projects. Our research staff is skilled in professional disciplines such as cultural anthropology, environmental science, public policy, and geography. Our geographic emphasis is on the U.S. Pacific Northwest where we are based, and we also collaborate with projects elsewhere in the United States and other countries, including Indonesia, Canada, and Mexico. The organizing concept behind all IFCAE projects is the idea that sustainable solutions to environmental problems require an understanding of the underlying social complexities and early involvement and leadership by social scientists in projects. The organization strives to be responsive, transparent, and broadly accessible. IFCAE is small by design to promote collegiality and efficiency. On average we have seven employees, five visiting scholars, five contractors, five interns, and a seven person Board of Directors. Our senior staff all have faculty appointments with regional universities. Our funding comes from government and foundation grants, contracting, and from private donations. Our organization is 95% paperless and we maintain a website with extensive content free of commercial advertisements
Our mission is to engage people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.
Earthwatch is an international environmental charity which is committed to conserving the diversity and integrity of life on earth to meet the needs of current and future generations. We work with a wide range of partners, from individuals who work as conservation volunteers on research teams through to corporate partners, governments and institutions.
Earthwatch has a global reach, with offices in Oxford (UK), Boston (USA), Melbourne (Australia) and Tokyo (Japan).
Earthwatch Institute (Europe) is the working name for Conservation Education & Research Trust (CERT), a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number: 4373313) and a registered charity (number: 1094467). Registered office: Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DE England.
Who we are:
Earthwatch Institute is a global environmental organisation.

CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network - is a non-governmental, regional organization established in 1998 and specialized in the fields of civil society development and institutional strengthening, environmental research and policy, resources management, compliance management and communication and environment.
Since its establishment, CENN has worked at the local, national and regional levels in the Caucasus region. CENN believes in networking and cooperation in the context of environmental issues. We have already a serious record of joint activities and projects implemented regionally, where all three South Caucasus countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - participated equally to find the solutions to local and regional environmental problems.
With 5 offices throughout the South Caucasus region and 30 full time staff members, CENN has the capability, experience and commitment to providing a service that is consistent, professional and of the highest quality. CENN has around 10 years experience in delivering modern solutions for public and business sectors as well as communities, assisting them in managing their environmental and related risks and helping them to achieve competitive advantage through improved environmental and social performance

Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment, New Delhi is an autonomous, non profit making institution constituted as a public charitable trust for teaching, research and consultancy in the areas of ecology and environment.
The Institute has the appropriate technology for the transfer of knowledge in the areas of ecology and environment in general and environmental engineering, impact assessment, pollution monitoring and control, systems analysis, wildlife conservation, environmental communication, ecological education and environmental laws in particular. The motivation for bringing awareness especially among the educational organisations has been based on the issues of environmental education discussed in the deliberations at Founes in 1971 and later at Stockholm in 1972 followed by the workshop on Environmental Education at Belgrade in 1975 and then an Inter Governmental Conference on the subject at Tbilisi in 1977 organised by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNESCO. The former resulted in what is known as the Belgrade Charter and from the latter issued specific recommendations on the role of Universities in the propagation of environmental education.
Since its inception on 5th June 1986 and inauguration of the Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Ecology and Environment, the Institute has brought out more than 3000 research reports, occasional monographs, case books besides the 30 volume International Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment, 10 volume Encyclopaedia of Environmental Sciences and 10 volume Encyclopaedia of Environmental Laws. The Institute's Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Ecology and Environment is recognised by many Indian as well as Foreign Universities as equivalent to their Master's Degree through the Memorandum of Understading (MoU) signed between IIEE and respective Universities. The main idea behind the unique programmes of the Institute is creation of environment friendly and sustainable jobs by vocationalising the environmental careers and tackling the problems of unemployment and pollution for having a sustainable society before entering the twentyfirst century.
Examination : To be conducted every year in June and in December at Allahabad, Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Bokaro, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Dehradun, Gangtok, Ghaziabad, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Imphal, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Kathmandu, Kohima, Kolkata, Kota, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panjim, Pathankot, Patna, Port Blair, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Raipur, Shimla, Shillong, Srinagar, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Varanasi, Vishakhapatnam and Wokha.
Global Energy Network Institute was founded in 1986 by Peter Meisen to investigate the idea of Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, proposing a global electric energy grid as the number one priority to solve many of the world's most pressing problems. In 1991, GENI was incorporated in San Diego, California, USA as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
GENI's mission is to conduct research and to educate world leaders and the public about the critical viability of the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources, what we call 'the GENI Initiative.' Our research shows that linking renewables between all nations will mollify conflicts, grow economies and increase the quality of life and health for all. This is a strategy rooted in the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decade ago.
About the Beijer Institute
The Beijer Institute is an international research institute under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Institute was established in 1977 and was reorganized in 1991 with a focus on ecological economics. Core funding is provided by the Kjell and Märta Beijer Foundation.
The Beijer Institute's major objective is to carry out research and stimulate cooperation between scientists, university departments, research centers and institutes to promote a deeper understanding of the interplay between ecological systems and social and economic development.
Cooperation efforts include collaborative research between economists and ecologists and related disciplines on fundamental and applied problems in relation to sustainability, as well as teaching and training on those issues nationally and internationally.
The Beijer Institute's major activities are international research programmes, synthesis workshops, a broad set of research projects, teaching and training programs, dissemination of results, the science-policy interface and collaborative communication.