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Home Environment Organisations UNEP GRID-Arendal


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About GRID-Arendal

GRID-Arendal is an official United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborating centre, supporting informed decision making and awareness-raising through:

* Environmental information management and assessment
* Capacity building services
* Outreach and communication tools, methodologies and products

As UNEP's Key Polar Centre, we are involved with initiatives in the Polar Regions, and increasingly, we are broadening our focus on sustainable development of the oceans and coasts elsewhere in the world.


Our staff consists of a diverse team of international professionals. Through a dynamic portfolio of projects, we partner with various organizations to facilitate free access to and exchange of information in support of decision making and to promote a sustainable future.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create environmental knowledge enabling positive change. This is achieved by organizing and transforming available environmental data into credible, science-based information products, delivered through innovative communication tools and capacity-building services targeting relevant stakeholders.

Our Vision

Our vision is a society that understands and values the environment on which it depends. In pursuing this vision, GRID-Arendal strives to be a creative, sustainable and motivating environmental organization making a difference locally and globally.

Our Values

As a UNEP affiliate and partner, we espouse core values that resonate with UNEP's mission.

Our core values are:

  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Respect for diversity
  • Environmental commitment.

As a non-profit foundation with a public mission, we uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. We believe that a commitment to our environment and best practices defines the nature of our work and activities. At the workplace, we respect diversity and gender equality, and our policies reflect this engagement.


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