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Sustainable Coastal Tourism - An integrated planning and management approach

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Sustainable Coastal Tourism - An integrated planning and management approachThis handbook was conceived as a practical tool to be used by decision- makers and practitioners in both tourism sector and ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management). It provides a kind of "two-way" scheme allowing for the integration of tourism strategic planning into the wider process of ICZM on one hand and, on the other, for the application of the ICZM approach in tourism development. The handbook has two main parts. Its main body tackles all important issues related to coastal tourism and its positive and negative impacts on natural environment and society, as well as various planning and management schemes for tourism, with particular reference to ICZM. Individual steps of the proposed process of strategic planning for coastal tourism, based on the concept of Carrying Capacity Assessment (CCA), are presented in an Annex with all the details indicating when, how and by whom to undertake these steps.

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UNEP Year Book 2010

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UNEP Year Book 2010The UNEP Yearbook 2010 is essential, informative and authoritative reading and within six chapters the Year Book addresses the following: In 2009, efforts to advance international environmental governance focussed on defining key objectives and functions for an improved UN architecture to address global environmental change. Ecosystems are being pushed beyond thresholds. Drivers of change that lead to biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services are growing in intensity. Dead zones in coastal areas have doubled in extent every decade since the 1960's. Much work remains to be done to reduce and mitigate the effects of harmful substances and hazardous waste on human health and the environment. Many unanswered questions remain about nanomaterials. The effects of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are better understood, as more indicators of climate change are being assessed. Direct observations and modelling indicate that the planet's tropical belt is expanding. Sustainable natural resource management can reduce vulnerability to disasters and conflicts and support peacebuilding. Promising tools to reduce disaster conflict risks are being integrated into policy and institutional structures. Better managing material and energy flows will help meet challenges associated with environmental impacts and advance decoupling of economic growth and resource use.

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UNEP Annual Report 2009

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UNEP Annual Report 2009Providing an overview of UNEP's activities in 2009, this report looks at a broad range of activities carried out by the organization as it follows its mandate to provide environmental leadership and promote sustainable development. Taking the theme of "Seizing the Green Opportunity", the report provides an overview of UNEP's activities in 2009 through the green economy lens. Highlights of the year include the emergence of green growth initiatives around the world, the innovative approaches to address climate change and ecosystem loss, and the renewed efforts to strengthen international environmental governance.

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The Kyoto protocol, the clean development mechanism and the building and construction sector

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The Kyoto protocol, the clean development mechanism and the building and construction sectorThis submission functions as a place holder for texts to be developed under the Copenhagen Agreement in relation to the building sector. It is directly aligned with the draft Call for Action and essentially builds on the work of SBCI over the past three years. UNEP-SBCI proposes that emission reduction in buildings is recognized as an appropriate area for NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action) and that the development of frameworks required to monitor, report and verify such actions are included in a post-2012 Agreement.

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