Editor-in-Chief: Peter H. Kahn, Jr., PhD
Online ISSN: 1942-9347 • Published Quarterly
Current Volume: 9
Editorial Board
Peter H. Kahn, Jr., PhD
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
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Managing Editor
Maja Szachniewicz Nuoffer, MS, LMFT
Los Angeles, CA
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Editorial Assistant
Karen Brattain
Portland, OR
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Editorial Board
David Abram, PhD
Alliance for Wild Ethics
Santa Fe, NM
Glenn Albrecht, PhD
Murdoch University
Murdoch, Western Australia
Annie Belcourt, PhD
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
G.A. Bradshaw, PhD, PhD
The Kerulos Center
Jacksonville, OR
Linda Buzzell, MA, LMFT
International Association for Ecotherapy
Santa Barbara, CA
Craig Chalquist, PhD
John F. Kennedy University
Walnut Creek, CA
John Valentine Davis, PhD
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
Wade Davis, PhD
The National Geographic Society
Raymond De Young, PhD
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Thomas Joseph Doherty, PsyD
Lewis and Clark College
Portland, OR
Andy Fisher, PhD
Ontario, Canada
Howard Frumkin, MD, DrPH
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Mary Gomes, PhD
Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, CA
Robert Greenway, PhD
Sonoma State University
Port Townsend, WA
Patricia H. Hasbach, PhD
Northwest Ecotherapy
Eugene, OR
Richard J. Jackson, MD, MPH
Los Angeles, CA
Sue Koger, PhD
Willamette University
Salem, OR
Richard Louv
Children and Nature Network
Minneapolis, MN
Gail Melson, PhD
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Stephanie Paidas, MA
West Glacier, MT
Bill Plotkin, PhD
Animas Valley Institute
Durango, CO
Lori Pye, PhD
Viridis Graduate Institute: International School of Ecopsychology
Ojai, CA
Lisa Reddick, PhD
Antioch University Seattle
Seattle, WA
Joseph Reser, PhD
Griffith University
Queensland, Australia
Keith Russell, PhD
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
Scott D. Sampson, PhD
Denver Museum of Science and Nature
Denver, CO
Britain Scott, PhD
University of St. Thomas
St. Paul, MN
Janet K. Swim, PhD
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, PhD
Peterborough, NH
Jack Turner
Moose, WY
Visiting Scholar, University of Utah
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