"GEOSTAT Quebec City 2013", 26 May - 1 of June, 2013, Quebec City
The GEOSTAT Quebec city 2013 summer school is 8th in a series of summer schools organized by R and OS GIS developers and enthusiasts. GEOSTAT aims at PhD students and R enthusiasts in a range of environmental and GIS sciences, with a special focus on analyzing spatio-temporal gridded data in R and connected OS GIS software. The participants will learn how to import and organize space-time data i.e. time series of rasters and how to program statistical and geographical analysis using a combination of R and OS GIS functionality. The school will be hosted at the Faculty of Forestry, Geomatics and Geography, on the campus of Laval University, a few kilometers from the heart of Quebec City, Canada.
Registration deadline: 1st of February 2013.
URL: http://geostat-course.org/Quebec_2013
-- Guillaume Drolet ing.f M.Sc.
Chercheur en télédétection et dynamique forestière
Direction de la recherche forestière
Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec
2700, rue Einstein, C.RC.335
Québec (Québec), Canada G1P 3W8
T : +1 418 643 7994 # 6727
F : +1 418 643 2165
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