Compiled by
Saif Haq, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University
- Hillier, Bill and Leaman, A. (1974) How is design possible? Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 3 (1). pp. 4-11, available at
- Bill Hillier, (1983),"Space Syntax: A Different Urban Perspective", Architects' Journal, vol. 178, no. 48, Nov. 30, pp. 47-63.
- Hillier, B.; Hanson, J., (1984),The social logic of space, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (see Chapter 3)
- Bentley, A. Babcock, P. Murrain, S. McGlynn, & G. Smith, (1985), “Introduction” in Responsive Environments, Architectural Press, London, pp. 9-15
- Hillier, Bill and Hanson, Julienne and Peponis, John (1987) Syntactic Analysis of Settlements. Architecture et Comportement/Architecture and Behaviour, 3 (3). pp. 217-231, available at
- Hillier, Bill and Burdett, Richard and Peponis, John and Penn, Alan (1987) Creating Life: Or, Does Architecture Determine Anything? Architecture & Comportement/ Architecture & Behaviour, 3 (3). pp. 233-250, available at
- J. Peponis, (1989), "Space, Culture and Urban Design in Late Modernism and after, " Ekistics, vol. 56, no. 334-355, pp. 93-100
- Peponis, J., E. Hadjinikolaou, et al. (1989). "The Spatial Core of Urban Culture." Ekistics 334, 335 Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr: 43-55
- Hillier, B. (1993), "Specifically architectural theory: a partial account of the ascent from building as cultural transmission to architecture as theoretical concretion", in Harvard Architecture Review, 9, 8-27, available at
- Hillier, B. and Penn, A. and Hanson, J. and Grajewski, T. and Xu, J., (1993), “Natural movement: or, configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement”, Environment and Planning B, 20 (1), pp. 29-66.
- Hillier, B. (1996), “Cities as movement economies”, Urban Design International, 1 (1), pp. 41-60.
- Jiang B., Claramunt C. and Klarqvist B. (2000), “An Integration of Space Syntax into GIS for Modelling Urban Spaces”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol.2, pp.161-171.
- Jiang, B. and Claramunt, C., “Integration of Space Syntax into GIS: New Perspectives for Urban Morphology” in Transactions in GIS, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 6(3), 2002, 295-309 (See Section 2)
- Sonit Bafna, (2003), “Space Syntax: A Brief Introduction to Its Logic and Analytical Techniques” in Environment and Behavior 35, pp. 17-29 available at
- P. Murrain, "Urban Expansion: Look Back and Learn, (date?), " in Making Better Places: Urban Design Now, R. Hayward & S. McGlynn, eds. Butterworth, London, pp. 83-94
- "Space Syntax" in Wikipedia, available at
- Hillier, B. (2005). "The Art of Place and the Science of Space." World Architecture 11(185: Special issue on Space Syntax): 24-34, Chineese, 96-102 Engllish.
- Hillier, Bill (date??) The Common Language Of Space: a way of looking at the social, economic and environmental functioning of cities on a common basis, available at
- Ana Maria Passos Mota, Antônio Alexandre Cavalcante Leite, Frederico de Holanda, (date??) “Eccentric Brasilia”, Laura Regina Simões de Bello Soares, Patrícia Melasso Garcia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de Brasília
- Frederico de Holanda,(date???), “Class Footprints In The Landscape” Institutional affiliation: Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de Brasilia
- Haq S., (2003), Relational aspects of space in design: Examples of Space Syntax, Texas Tech University.
From a phenomenological perspective,
- Seamon, David, “Grasping the Dynamism of Urban Place: Contributions from the Work of Christopher Alexander, Bill Hillier, and Daniel Kemmis”, chapter 7, in Tom Mels, editor, Reanimating Places: A Geography of Rhythms, London: Ashgate, available at
- Seamon, David, “The Life of the Place: A Phenomenological Commentary On Bill Hillier’s Theory of Space Syntax”, Nordisk Arkitekturforskning [Nordic Journal of Architectural Research], 7, 1994, pp. 35-48. Available without images at.
From a cognition perspective
- Jiang, B., (1998). "A Space Syntax Approach to Spatial Cognition in Urban Environments", Position paper for NSF-funded research workshop on Cognitive Models of Dynamic Phenomena and Their Representations, October 29 - 31, 1998, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, available at
- Haq, S,. (2001) “Space Syntax”, in Complex Architectural Settings: An Investigation of Spatial and Cognitive Variables Through Wayfinding Behavior, PhD Dissertation, Georgia Tech.
- Zimring C., and Dalton, R. C., (2003), “Linking Objective Measures Of Space To Cognition And Action”, Environment and Behavior 35, pp. 3-16. available at
- Penn, a., (2003), “Space Syntax And Spatial Cognition: Or Why the Axial Line?” in Environment and Behavior 35: pp. 30-65, available at
- Haq, S. and Zimring C., (2003), “Just down the road a piece: the development of topological knowledge of building layouts”, in Environment and Behavior, Vol 35, No.1, Jan, pp. 132-160, available at