Gaia Education Design for Sustainability - Training of Trainers - Incorporating Transition Towns Training

Based on the Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
Facilitated by:
Pracha Hutanuwatr - Director, Wongsanit Ashram, Thailand
May East - Director, Gaia Education
Michael Shaw - Director, Ecovillage International
Iain Davidson - Lecturer, Findhorn Foundation
and Findhorn Ecovillage experts
You are invited to join this five-week comprehensive training of trainers based on the four core pillars of the Ecovillage Design Curriculum: the social, worldview, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability.
The curriculum draws on the experience and expertise developed in a network of some of the most successful ecovillages and community projects across the Earth.
Design for Sustainability Training of Trainers is an advanced training course based at the Findhorn Ecovillage providing a practical forum for learning and developing skills needed to work effectively with design for sustainability at all levels. It comprises four separate week-long modules, which may be attended as a whole or separately.

Social Design - Week 1: Oct 1 - 7
Building Community & Embracing Diversity
Communication Skills and Feedback
Facilitation and Decision-Making Processes
Conflict Facilitation
Personal Empowerment and Leadership
Celebrating Life: Creativity and Art
Economic Design - Week 2: Oct 8 - 14
Shifting the Global Economy to Sustainability
How Money Works: Community Banks and Currencies
Right Livelihood
Social Enterprise
Legal and Financial Issues
Ecological Design - Week 3: Oct 15 - 21
Whole Systems Approach to Ecological Design
Appropriate Technology: Water
Organic Agriculture and Local Food
Appropriate Technology: Energy
Green Building & Retrofitting
Worldview - Week 4: Oct 22 - 28
Holistic Worldview
Listening to and Reconnecting with Nature
Awakening & Transformation of Consciousness
Personal Health, Planetary Health
Socially Engaged Spirituality and Bioregionalism
Deepening the TOT - Week 5 : Oct 29 - Nov 4
Leadership and Facilitation as a path for personal growth, spiritual enrichment and sustainable social action.

The EDE is being introduced to the world at this time to complement, correspond with, and assist in setting a standard for the United Nations' Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014.
Please complete the Application Form and Enrolment Questionnaire to book online.
Training schedule
Please click here to download and read the proposed schedule. Please note that it is a draft schedule at this time and subject to change.
Training fees
Income related price for the full five week programme (click here for more information):
£2000 / £2320 / £2720
Income related price for the first four weeks (Modules 1-4) (click here for more information):
£1675 / £1925 / £2235
Per individual module if booked separately: £475 / £545 / £635
Fees include tuition, accommodation, vegetarian meals and field trips.
Convert to your own currency using The Universal Currency Converter
The Gaia Education Design for Sustainability 2010 hosted participants from 20 nations: Thailand, Spain, Venezuela, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Germany, Canary Islands, Portugal, Netherlands, Canada, France, South Africa, Belgium, USA, UK, Brazil, Chile, Norway and Bulgaria.
41 participants shared four weeks of intensive studies in social, economic, ecological and worldview design. 20 participants were women and 21 men and the age range stretched from 22 to 69. The professional and educational backgrounds of the group were almost as diverse as the countries of origin. Amongst the participants were various educators, scientists, academics, activists, NGO workers, civil servants, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, development workers, and project managers. The teachers were participants and facilitators in a process of knowledge and experience exchange that involved everybody as teachers and as learners.