International Water Symposium 2011 in Tamera
(on invitation only)

August 12th (9 am) -August 14th (2 pm) 2011 in Tamera, Portugal
(Arrival on 11th August - departure on 14th or 15th August)
With Sepp Holzer, Austria and Bernd Walter Müller, Portugal
The global food shortage, water crisis, desertification, global floods and large fires are not "natural disasters", but rather human created catastrophes, results of a wrong water management. The ecological and technical knowledge to provide all human beings on earth with high-quality drinking water, with sufficient and nutritious food, and sustainable energy already exists.
With the Water Symposium we want to expose a breakthrough solution in the field of water management systems - the water retention landscape - and present possible strategies for the application of this solution in different countries.
This concept of healing nature will be presented through the example of the water retention landscape in Tamera by Sepp Holzer, a visionary permaculture specialist, along with Bernd Walter Müller, leader of Tamera's ecology department. This concept can be transmitted to practically all climate regions on earth. Through utilizing the available rainfall and supporting a healthy groundwater balance, a new intelligent form of regional autonomy can be created everywhere and bring healing not only to the environment, but to human beings as well.
The water retention landscape can become the basis of flourishing subsistence economies if it is connected to new social, intellectual and spiritual structures which re-embed human beings in the comprehensive order of life and nature. Based on this thought, we envision the construction of model universities (summarized as “Global Campus”) in different countries.
Further information:
Institute for Global Peace Work (IGP)
Tamera, Monte do Cerro, P-7630-303 Colos, Portugal,
Ph: +351-283 635 484 , Fax: -635 374