Bulent Ozel, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Istanbul Bilgi University
Computer Science Department
Bulent Ozel holds a PhD in Organisation Studies, a MSc degree in Computer Engineering, and a BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As part of his PhD study he was a visiting Fulbright scholar at CASOS (Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems) Research Center of School of Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University .
He has published articles, papers and book chapters in various inter-related fields, such as, data mining algorithms, social collaboration networks, and policy guidelines on adoption of open source and free software systems in public institutes. He has been a founding member of IFIP Working Group 2.13 (an international working group on open source systems, founded in 2006) and a member of COLLNET (a global interdisciplinary research network for the study of aspects of collaboration in science and technology). He, occasionally, serves as a referee to a number of international journals in the field of research methodologies and open source systems. He has co-organized or has taken part within organization and program committee of various international conferences and symposiums.
He is currently doing research on knowledge diffusion in collaboration networks looking at impact of network structure and socio-cognitive structure of individuals. He is ineterested and willing to collaborate in the field of multi-agent simulation, particularly, attempting to incorporate dynamic social network models as the basis for agent-agent interactions.
He has been a member of Computer Science Department team at Istanbul Bilgi University since 2002-2003 academic year. Meanwhile, he has worked as a part time researcher at TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) mainly for tOSSad (a 3-years long EU-FP6 project on open source systems) and EURACE (another 3-years long EU-FP6 project on multi-agent based simulation model of european economy). He is also serving as a national contact for "INNO-Grips" network, which aims to monitor international innovation policy developments.
Current Working Papers
Bulent Ozel, (2010). "Collaboration Structure and Knowledge Diffusion in Academia". Abstract (pdf)
Bulent Ozel, (2010). "Individual Cognitive Structures and Collaboration Patterns in Academia". Abstract (pdf)
Bulent Ozel and Han Woo Park, (2010). "Content Analyzing Web Visibility of National Assembly Members in South Korea". Slides (pdf - presented at Duke University Political Networks Conference, July 2010)
Bulent Ozel, (2010). "Do emotions in Turkish politics go online?" Abstract (pdf)
Evren Hosgor and Bulent Ozel, (2010). "Tracing 'Center-Periphery' Paradigm: Critical Literature Review via Network Analysis". Abstract (pdf), Poster (pdf - presented at Duke University Political Networks Conference, July 2010)
Bulent Ozel, (2009). "Knowledge Diffusion and Fragmentation in Political Science Research Networks", Poster (pdf - presented at Harvard University Political Networks Conference, July 2009)
PhD Dissertation
Bulent Ozel, (June, 2010). "Scientific Collaboration Networks: Knowledge Diffusion and Fragmentation in Turkish Management Academia", PhD Dissertation, Istanbul Bilgi University, Social Sciences Institute, Organisation Studies.
Slides - Main
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Full Text
Journal Papers
Bulent Ozel and Han Woo Park, (2011). "Online Image Content Analysis of Political Figures: An Exploratory Study" (to appear at Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology). Full Text (pdf)
Bulent Ozel, Hildrun Kretschmer, and Theo Kretschmer, (2010). "Co-authorship Pair Distribution Patterns and Gender Discrepencies in Turkey" (in review process). Full Text (pdf)
Book Chapters
Bulent Ozel, Can B. Cilingir, and Kaan Erkan (Eds), (2006)."Towards Open Source Software Adoption: Educational, Public, Legal, and Usability Practices.” (Full Text - e-book version) ISBN: 9754033730.
Bulent Ozel, Uros Jovanovic, Beyza Oba and Manon van Leeuwen, (2007). "Perceptions on F/OSS Adoption” (Full Text - Springer) in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation.
Mehmet Gençer, Beyza Oba, Bulent Ozel and V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, (2006). "Organization of Internet Standards" (Full Text - Springer), in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Open Source Systems, 2006.
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Open Source Software Movement As a Way to Rhizomatic Organisations: A Deleuzian Approach to Organisational Discourse of Open Source Software Communities” , In Organizational Discourse: Arte-facts, Arche-types and Archi-texts, ISBN: 1-900089-06-8 , p. 204-207.
Published Conference Papers
Mehmet Gencer and Bulent Ozel, (2010). " Agent-Based Modeling of Economic Systems: The EURACE Project Experience", In ECOMOD 2010.
Bulent Ozel, (2009). "Knowledge Diffusion and Fragmentation in Politcal Science Research Networks",In Proc. of Harvard Political Networks Conference, USA, June, 2009.
Bulent Ozel and Han Woo Park, (2009). "Online Image Content Analysis of Political Figures: Facial Expressions of National Assembly Members in South Korea", In Proc. ICCC2009 (International Conference on Convergence Content) December, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Bulent Ozel, Hildrun Kretschmer, Theo Kretschmer, and Elif Aytek Gürses, (2009). "Gendered Co-authorship Pair Distribution Patterns", Proceedings of 10th COLLNET Meeting, Dalian, China, September, 2009.
Harald Schmidbauer, Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, and V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, (2007). Public Policies in the Software Market: Regional Issues Concerning Open Source Software. In ECOMOD 2007. International Conference on Policy Modeling, Sao Paolo, July 11-13, 2007. Ecomod Press.
Ahmet K. Süerdem, Mehmet Gençer, V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, and Bulent Ozel, (2007). The Ghost in the Machine: Cognitive Patterns in Open Source Software Communities. In Proc. European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Vienna 5-7 July 2007.
Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, V.Sinan Tunalioglu, and Beyza Oba, (2006). "Flexible organizing and identity fragmentation in Free/Open Source Software development”, Proc. of 22nd EGOS Bergen, Norway, 2006, www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area).
Bulent Ozel, Julia Velkova, Manon van Leeuwen, (2006). "F/OSS in European National Programmes”, Towards Open Source Software Adoption: Educational, Public, Legal, and Usability Practices. Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, Kaan Erkan, Gorkem Cetin, (2005). "Towards Open Source Software Adoption and Dissemination. A Collaborative Network of FLOSS Compentency Centers", Encuentro Internacional Sobre Conocimiento Libre (NEXUS), Artes Graficas, Badajoz, 2005.
Manon van Leeuwen, Julia Velkova, and Bulent Ozel, (2006). “How to avoid the transformation of barriers to OSS adoption in Public Administration into barriers for regional development”, Proc. eChallenges 2006.
Bulent Ozel, Mehmet Gençer, Chris Stephenson, (2006). “An MSc Programme in Open Source Information System”, Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, Julia Velkova, Brian Restall, Jaka Mocnik, Kaan Erkan, Gorkem Cetin, (2006). “FlossCC: A Collaborative Network of Floss Competency Centers Towards Open Source Software Adoption and Dissemination”, Software Libre II Conferencia Internacional, Malaga, 2006.
Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, Harald Schmidbauer, and V. Sinan Tunalioglu, (2006). “Free & Open Source Software, Human Development and Public Policy Making: International Comparison”, Towards Open Source Software Adoption: Educational, Public, Legal, and Usability Practices. Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, (2005). “Sensemaking in Complex Organizing Technologies: A structurational Model of Control in ERP Technologies”, Proc. of 21th EGOS Colloquium: Berlin, Germany, 2005, www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area).
Bulent Ozel and Arzu Baloğlu, (2005). “A Benchmarking Study on Supply Chain Management Systems at Local Turkish Companies”, In Proc. of SCMIS 2005 (Supply Chain Management Information Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 6-8, 2005.
Bulent Ozel, (2005)."An Hypergraph Based Approach for Unlocking Power Relations in Rhizomatic Open Source Software Communities" (CiteSeer or draft) , In Proc. of The First International Conference on Open Source Systems, Genova, Italy, July 11-15, 2005.
Bulent Ozel and Samil Aydogan (2005). "An Hybrid Web Link Prediction System" (Full Text - pdf) in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Knowledge Systems (IKS-2005), 06-08 July 2005.
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Virtually Organic Organisations: A Critique of Computational Organisation Models from a Foucauldian Perspective", In Proc. 20th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) 26th Colloquium: Information and Communication Technology in Contemporary Organization, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Jul. 1 - 3, 2004, www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area)
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication: An Hybrid Method Approach Based on Block Diagonalisation", in Proc. TAiNN (Turkish Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks), Izmir, Turkey.
Bulent Ozel, (2004)."Kuresel k-Ortalamali Gruplama Yontemi ile Metinlerin ve Terimlerin Sakli Anlam indekslenmeleri" scanned version or submission version , in ASYU(Akilli Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamalari 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bulent Ozel, (2005). "Kuantum Hesaplama Teorisi: Bilgisayar Bilimcilerinin Kuantum Mekaniği Keşfi".
Bulent Ozel, (2004). "Introduction to Markov Chains".
M. Telci and Bulent Ozel, (2003). "A Review of The Remains of the Day (the Film and the Novel) within the Context of Organization Studies: Stevens’ Unquestioning Devotion to Professional Perfection" (Full Text - pdf)
"INNO-Grips" – international monitoring of innovation policy developments (2010 - 2013)
The project aims to monitor analyze and report innovation policy research and intelligence worldwide.
Details and on the project can be reached at http://www.proinno-europe.eu/innogrips2
Individual role: national contact/expert/analyst
EURACE Project (EU Commission FP6-FET - Completed)
The project in general has attempted to develop an innovative approach to macroeconomic modelling and economic policy design within the agent-based computational economics framework.
Project Web Site: http://www.eurace.org/
Individual focus has been on designing and developing a software application/workspace for data analysis and visualization of policy experiments.
Details of the application and the source code of the software can be reached from here.
tOSSaD Project (EU Commission FP6-IST - Completed)
The main objective of the tOSSad project has been to start integrating and exploiting already formed methodologies, strategies, skills and technologies in F/OSS domain in order to help governmental bodies, educational institutions and SMEs to share research results, establish synergies, build partnerships and innovate in an enlarged Europe
Project Web Site: http://www.tossad.org/
Primary role within the consortium has been coordination of technical tasks, contribution to dissemination activities and development of policy guidlines, such as:
Roadmap on F/OSS National Programme Start-ups
Economical and Social Benefits of F/OSS
How to Solve It? - The Fundamentals of Computer Science (Comp/Fm 149/150 - HtDP)
Syllabus - Comp 149 - HtDP, Fall 2010-2011
Syllabus - Comp 150 - HtDP, Spring 2009 - 2010
Lecture Videos - Fall 2010 - 2011
Course Web Site
Computers, Society and Individuals: e-individuals' society (ITL 504)
Syllabus - ITL 504, Spring 2010-2011
Course Web Site
Engineering in Society (Eng 179)
(Delivered together with Mehmet Gencer)
Syllabus - Eng 179, Fall 2010-2011
Course Web Site
Computational and Mathematical Numeracy for Social Scientists I (Cmn 147/167)
Syllabus - Cmn 167, Fall 2010-2011
Course Web Site
Communication and Information (Bus 361)
(Delivered together with Mehmet Gencer)
Syllabus - Bus 361, Fall 2010-2011
Course Web Site
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs I (Comp 313)
Course Web Site
Parallel and Distributed Systems (Comp 472)
Syllabus - Comp 472, Fall 2007-2008
Course Web Site
Parallel Programming Languages (Comp 474)
Syllabus - Comp 474, Spring 2007-2008
Course Web Site