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Home Environment Organisations South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN)

South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN)

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Sayen StructureSouth Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN – www.sayen.org) was set up in July 2002. Supported by the UNEP Regional Office, Asia and the Pacific; SAYEN is linked to TUNZA, UNEP’s strategy for engaging young people in environmental activities and in the work of UNEP. CEE hosts the Secretariat for SAYEN, which has membership from all the SAARC countries. A organization in each of the SAARC country has been identified as the National Focal Point (NFP) for the network. The number of SAYEN members in each country ranges from 20 to 100 with over 1500 youth organizations, individual, national and international agencies including Government in the region associated with SAYEN. NFPs facilitate SAYEN activities in their respective countries.


Sustainable Development in South Asia


Our Mission is to ensure effective Youth participation reflecting our perception, in decision making process to promote Sustainable Development in South Asia.


  1. Mobilize Youth for Sustainable Development in the South Asian region.
  2. Youth participation for advocacy on Sustainable Development in South Asia.
  3. Youth participation to influence decision-making processes at National and Regional levels.


  1. Establishing Network with active participation of Youth from all South Asian countries.
  2. Enhance Youth Capacity to deal with issues hampering Sustainable Development.
  3. Increase the public awareness and understanding on Sustainable Development issues.
  4. Have Youth representation in various policy fora such as National Council for Sustainable Development, Environment Impact Assessment Committee, etc
  5. Sharing of Knowledge and Expertise within South Asia
  6. Promote Environmental Ethics amongst Youth
  7. Work in close Partnership with Stakeholders.
  8. Help Regional Integration towards Sustainable Development.



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