The ValdiChy Project was born to attract creative people to settle in the Valchiusella. People with open minds; positive thinkers with a pioneering spirit; practical dreamers with the desire to experiment with a new way of living; enthusiastic individuals or groups willing to contribute their talents and ideas to create a new and positive example.
An ideal valley where ecology, health and harmony of the mind, body and spirit, blossom in every form of art and craft. A place where solidarity, innovative and ecological technology, sustainability, collaboration and respect between institutions and citizens, are not just a hope for the future but are, as in Damanhur, a daily and concrete reality.
Thanks to the Federation of Damanhur, the Valchiusella is fast becoming a reference point for a New Renaissance of human, social and spiritual values. Every year more and more people, families and groups are deciding to come and live in the Valchiusella attracted by the possibility of realizing their ideals. The Valchiusella is where, those who dream of a healthy future for our planet, are actively making it a reality.
Once known as "Val di Chy", the lower Valchiusella has a particular geological and energetic configuration with interesting natural and historical characteristics. It is easy to imagine it as a new legendary and mythical valley, where humans live as gods, in perfect harmony and communion with the spiritual Forces of Nature and the Cosmos.
With these ideals in mind, the volunteer staff of the ValdiChy Project are working to help people who decide to come and settle in this beautiful valley. They are available to help non-Italians overcome initial difficulties, to help them find suitable housing solutions, adapt to the cultural and economic panorama of valley life and, where possible, to set up businesses in cooperation. The Val di Chy and the Synchronic Lines
The ‘Val di Chy’ or lower Valchiusella is a pre-alpine valley of the Piedmont situated in Canavese, approximately 40 km north of Turin and 15 km from Ivrea. The nearest airport is Turin - Caselle. The proximity to France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Slovenia, places the valley in the heart of Europe, close to the most important European cities and immersed in Italian culture and art.
The most meaningful characteristic of the Valchiusella from an ecological and spiritual point of view is the presence of the Synchronic Lines, which flow through the valley connecting it to all the energetic points of the Earth. Our ancient ancestors knew of the existence of these force lines, that the Chinese call the ‘Back of the Dragon’. Every ancient civilization or important sacred site, from the pyramids of Egypt to the Stonehenge of Britain, from the monasteries of Tibet to the temples of Greece, has risen up in correspondence with emergence of these Lines. These energy flows cross the earth in a way similar to how the energy meridians, used in acupuncture, cross the human body, connecting the different organs and functions.
The peculiarity of these meeting points, where at least four of these lines, a communal characteristic of both in Valchiusella and Tibet, is is that of being a zone of projection and contact with all the other points of the planet and the galaxy, carrying out more than anything else the function of antenna and catalyzer of thought, events and trends of human society and of all forms of life connected to it.
For this reason, realizing the dream of an ecological valley in Valchiusella, means offering this benefit to all huamnity, because thanks to the Synchronic Lines this conquest has the possibility of spreading its influence around the world.
A spiritual approach to economy, ecological construction materials, the use of renewable energy resources, along with the rediscovery of the craftsmanship and the expression of the art in all its forms; these are just some of the headlines of the New Renaissance that is emerging in the ValdiChy, the ideal place in which to realize a new way of living, one that will spread far and wide around the world.

Who is the ValdiChy project aimed at?
The ValdiChy Project is for people who are economically or professionally self-sufficient, those with a pioneering spirit who actively wish to contribute to founding this dream. The ValdiChy project is in continuous evolution. It grows along with the number of people involved, with those settlers willing to offer their skills and talents to enrich its breadth and complexity.