American Forest and Paper Association
American Museum of Natural History
American Society of International Law
American Solar Energy Society (ASES)
Arizona State University - Center for Environmental Studies
Association for the Study of Literature & Environment
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC)
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
Biodiversity Support Program
Promoting Conservation of the World's Biological Diversity
A consortium of the World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and The World Resources Instititute
Boston University Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology
Boston University Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Brookings Institution - Environment and Energy
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Includes News Releases ; DWR Monthly Reports ; Water Conditions ; Water Calendar
California Environmental Protection Agency
Canada - Natural Resources Canada
Center for a New American Dream
"...helps individuals and institutions reduce and shift consumption to enhance our quality of life and protect the environment."
Center for Communications, Health and the Environment
Center for Environmental Philosophy
Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER)
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Columbia University
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
" a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm founded in 1989 to strengthen international and comparative environmental law and policy around the world."
Center for Restoration Ecology
Central American Water Resource Management Network (CARA) (English or Spanish)
"CARA is a water resource training network focusing on building local capacity to improve the management and protection of Central American water resources.
Centre for Environmental History and Policy
Universities of Stirling and St Andrews
"...the UKís first research centre expressly concerned with understanding the relationship between the environment and the human population over the last millennium, and applying this historical research to contemporary issues in environmental policy-making."
Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (cserge)
Centre of Environmental Research in Umeå, Sweden
Sections include: Environmental History ; The Environment ; Indoor Environment ; Environmental Medicine ; Society and the Environment.
Cliff Ecology Research Group - (dead link) Botany Department, University of Guelph, Ontario
Columbia Basin Research - (dead link)
School of Fisheries, University of Washington
Columbia University - Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Council on Environmental Quality
Cyprus Conservation Foundation (English or Greek)
" a charitable trust which aims to promote environmental and conservation education and awareness , for todayís decision-makers and for young Cypriots, who will be tomorrowís leaders and policy-makers."
Cyprus Environment Studies Center
Desert Research Institute (DRI)
Directory of Environmental Programs (Enviro-Web of Rice University)
Earth Day Network
" an alliance of 5,000 groups in 184 countries working to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful, just, sustainable world.
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund
Formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, "is the non-profit law firm for the environment."
El Salvador Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Ecological Society of America - Education Section, ESA-EdWeb
An independent online platform that offers information about renewable energy and climate change.
Environment Australia
Department of the Environment and Heritage
Environment Canada (Official Canadian Government site)
- Canadian Wildlife Service
- Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)
- National Water Research Institute
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS)
Environmental Defense
"Since 1967, we have linked science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems."
Sections include: Action Center ; Biodiversity ; Climate Change ; Health ; Oceans ; Library.
Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP)
Environmental Science and Policy
Environmental Studies Association of Canada
European Environment Agency
Sections include: Press Room ; Theses (reports, indicators, links and datasets) ; Search ; Services ; EEA ; Country Information and EIONET.
European Society for Environmental History
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council - (dead link)
Forest Ethics
Formerly the Coastal Rainforest Coalition
"Forest Ethics' efforts are aimed at creating pressure for the preservation of forests, the reform of forestry practices and the promotion of robust markets for ecologically sound alternatives."
Forest History Society - (dead link)
FREE - Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment
"...advances conservation and environmental values by applying modern science and America's founding ideals to policy debates. We are intellectual entrepreneurs, explaining how economic incentives, secure property rights, and responsible prosperity can foster a healthy environment."
Global Development Research Center
"Spheres" include: Environment ; Urban ; Community ; Economy ; Information.
Global Environment Centre Foundation (English or Japanese)
"Supporting to UNEP-IETC's activities and promoting partnership between developing countries and Japan for global environmental preservation."
Global Forest Watch
" international data and mapping network that combines on-the-ground knowledge with digital technology to provide accurate information about the world's forests."
Greenhouse Gas Technology Information Exchange
" an international Directory of suppliers whose technologies help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. GREENTIE also provides information on leading international organisations and IEA programmes whose RD&D and information activities centre around clean energy technologies. The GREENTIE Directory database contains details of almost 8,000 technology suppliers and information organisations from all over the world."
Harvard Medical School - Center for Health and the Global Environment
Helsinki Commission
Baltic Marine Environment Commission
India Ministry of Environment & Forests
Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), U.K.M.
The institute serves to provide research and development in the field of environmental research in Malaysia.
Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES)
Institute for Environmental Studies
Institute of Environmental Technology
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry - (dead link)
International Dark-Sky Association
"The Light Pollution Authority"
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
"Our scientific objective is to describe and understand the interactive physical, chemical and biological processes that regulate the total Earth System, the unique environment that it provides for life, the changes that are occurring in this system, and the manner in which they are influenced by human actions."
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP)
International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE)
- Lund University
International Institute for Sustainable Development
International Joint Commission (English or French)
Canada and United States
"Many rivers and some of the largest lakes in the world lie along, or flow across, the border between the United States and Canada. The International Joint Commission assists governments in finding solutions to problems in these waters."
International Society for Ecology and Culture
"Promoting locally based alternatives to the global consumer culture"
International Society for Environmental Ethics
International Society for Industrial Ecology - (dead link)
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
[Kenya] Green Belt Movement (GBM)
" a grassroots non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Kenya that focuses on environmental conservation, community development and capacity building. Prof. Wangari Maathai [winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize] established GBM in 1977, under the auspices of the National Council of Women of Kenya."
Land & Water Conservation Fund
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Massey University - Institute of Development Studies
MIT - Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Ministry for Environment of the Republic of Hungary
National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) - (dead link)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Center for Environmental Statistics - (dead link)
National Council for Science and the Environment
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - see Oceanography - NOAA Resources
National Parks Conservation Association
National Research Center for Statistics and the Environment - (dead link)
Natural Resource Management, Colorado Mountain College - (dead link)
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- The Bush Record on the Environment
"The real story on this administration's dealings on environmental issues, from NRDC's scientists, lawyers and policy experts."
Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory (NREL)
Colorado State University
New Ideas in Pollution Regulation (NIPR)
North American Association for Environmental Education
North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Northern Alaska Environmental Center
"...promotes conservation of the environment in Interior and Arctic Alaska through advocacy, education, and sustainable resource stewardship."
Sections include: Arctic ; Boreal Forest ; Denali Watch ; Local Issues ; Mining ; Camp Habitat.
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - (dead link)
- Food, Agriculture & Fisheries - (dead link)
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Patrick Center for Environmental Research
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Population Action International
Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI)
Redefining Progress
"...a nonprofit public policy organization that creates policies and tools to encourage accurate market prices to protect our common social and natural assets, and to foster social and economic sustainability."
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Scholarly Societies Project - Biology
"Categories" include: Botany ; General Biology & Environment ; Molecular Biology ; Zoology.
Sponsored by the University of Waterloo Library, Canada
Society for Conservation Biology
Society for Vector Ecology (SOVE)
Stanford Law School - Environmental & Natural Resources Law & Policy Program
The Energy Research Institute (TERI)
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment
Tufts University - Global Development and Environment Institute
U.K. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) see Health Medicine - U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Energy see Environment Studies - (DOE)
U.S. Department of the Interior - (dead link)
- Bureau of Land Management
- National Park Service - ParkNet
- FireNet
Fire & Aviation Management
Sections include: Wildland Fire ; Structural Fire ; Aviation ; Educational Resources ; General Information. - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- National Wildlife Refuge System
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Includes both wildlife and oil development information. Sections include: Refuge Information ; Wildlife ; Habitat ; People.
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- National Wildlife Refuge System
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - see Environmental Studies - EPA
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Agencies see Geology Resources - USGS
U.S. National Interagency Fire Center
- Current Wildland Fire Information - (dead link)
U.S. PIRG - (dead link)
University of Arizona Department of Geosciences - Environmental Studies Laboratory
"...research of past, present, and future environmental variability and change. Current research encompasses paleoclimate studies across the globe, wildfire studies in southwestern North America, and relationships between climate and society across multiple spatial and temporal scales."
University of California, Berkeley - Earth Resources Center - (dead link)
University of California, Davis - Information Center for the Environment
University of Florida Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory
"...promotes teaching, research and outreach activities on biogeochemical processes regulating the fate and transport of nutrients, metals, and toxic organics in wetland and aquatic ecosystems."
University of Illinois, Springfield - Dept. of Environmental Studies
Includes a nice selection of Links
University of St Andrews - Institute for Environmental History
University of Washington - Center for Urban Horticulture
University of Washington - Land Surface Hydrology Research Group
University of Wisconsin - Land Tenure Center
"...serves as a global resource institution on issues relating to land ownership, land rights, land access, and land use. Our focus is on the relationship of land to economic development, socio-political organization, and environmental sustainability."
Vermont Law School Environmental Law Center - (dead link)
Wildlands Project
"The Wildlands Project would blend science and action. We would avoid band-aid solutions to complex problems. We would communicate the ecological value of wilderness, which is self-willed land where natural processes, not human agency, direct the ebb and flow of life."
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The World Conservation Union - IUCN
- African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG)
Sections include: African Elephant Database ; Pachyderm ; Human-Elephant Conflict ; African Elephant Bibliography ; Tools for Elephant Management & Research.
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Yale University - Center for Environmental Law and Policy
Yale University - School of Forestry and Environmental Studies