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Environment and Development Economics

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Environment and Development EconomicsEnvironment and Development Economics is positioned at the intersection of environmental, resource and development economics. The Editor and Associate Editors, supported by a distinguished panel of advisors from around the world, aim to encourage submissions from researchers in the field in both developed and developing countries. The Journal is divided into two main sections, Theory and Applications, which includes regular academic papers and Policy Options, which includes papers that may be of interest to the wider policy community. Environment and Development Economics also publishes occasional Policy Fora (discussions based on a focal paper). From time to time the journal publishes special issues based on a particular theme. Recent special issues have included an issue on ‘Resilience and Sustainable Development', edited by Charles Perrings, and an issue on 'Infectious Diseases', edited by Simon Levin and Anastasios Xepapadeas.

This journal has now moved over to electronic submission, using the Scholar One system. Click HERE to go to the submission website. Guidance on how to upload your manuscript is available on the site by clicking "Instructions and Forms" and then "Author Instructions".


Energy and Buildings

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Energy and Buildings: An international journal devoted to investigations of energy use and efficiency in buildingsEnergy and Buildings is an international journal publishing articles with explicit links to energy use in buildings. The aim is to present new research results, and new proven practice aimed at reducing energy needs of a building and improving indoor environment quality.

It is published with the editorial support of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)

Topics covered include:

• Energy demands and consumption in existing and future buildings
• Thermal comfort and indoor air quality
• Natural and mechanical ventilation
• Air distribution in air conditioned buildings
• Application of solar and other renewable energy sources in buildings
• Energy balances in major building complexes (industrial, public and other buildings)
• HVAC and refrigeration systems in residential, public and industrial buildings
• Heat recovery systems in buildings
• Buildings and district heating
• Energy conservation in built environment
• Energy efficient buildings
• Building physics
• Sustainable buildings and energy demands
• Evaluation and control of indoor thermal and lighting systems
• Intelligent buildings
• Links between architectural design, mechanical and lighting systems
• New materials in buildings and their impact on energy demands
• External and internal design conditions for energy efficient buildings

Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results.

Branislav Todorovic


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