Reports claim government will delay unveiling of incentive regime for the second time this month
The Italian government yesterday revealed that it had delayed the unveiling of a much-anticipated solar incentive scheme for a second time, stoking fears that the uncertainty could derail the country's booming solar industry.
Officials told news agency Reuters that the plan would not be presented today, as had been widely anticipated. They added that a new date had not yet been set for the launch of the scheme.
The announcement had originally been expected on 11 February, but was delayed amid speculation that the government had yet to finalise the scale of proposed cuts to solar industry incentives.
Italy currently operates one of the most generous feed-in tariffs for solar power in the world and the government is widely expected to reduce the payments that solar panel installers receive in line with the falling cost of panels.
Gianni Chianetta, chief executive of BP Solar Italia, told Reuters that the delays were undermining confidence in the market.
"We have made investment plans... for the next few years hoping that there will be a new incentive plan and that it will be sustainable," he said in a statement to the news agency. "But many of the planned initiatives in terms of investments and new job creation have been put on hold awaiting clarity. Further delays would create distrust in Italy and divert the group's investments to other countries."
However, there was some good news for the industry after media reports suggested the scale of the cuts in the feed-in tariff being considered by the government were lower than originally expected.
G8 leaders agree to global warming goals 09/ 07/ 2009 |
Hopes that a comprehensive climate agreement can be agreed in Copenhagen in December were given encouragement after leaders of the world's eight major economic powers agreed to broad goals for reducing global warming at the G8 meeting in L'Aquila. |
Chinese CEOs Visit UNEP to Share Views on the Green Economy 02/ 07/ 2009 |
16 top CEOs from China have attended a workshop at the UN Environment Programme headquarters to learn more about what the agency is doing in the Green Economy initiatives, combating climate change, international campaigns, green construction, reforestation and the green technology. |
Countries Representing Four Fifths of the Global Economy Back Green Growth 26/ 06/ 2009 |
Achim Steiner, the head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), today welcomed the 'Green Growth' Declaration by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) saying it underlined the way environment was rapidly being brought into the centre of economic discourse and policy-making. Ministers from 40 countries said: "Well targeted policy instruments can be used to encourage green investment in order to simultaneously contribute to economic recovery in the short-term and help to build the environmentally-friendly infrastructure required in the long term—the crisis should not be used as an excuse to postpone crucial decisions for the future of the planet". |
UN Agencies 'Deliver as One' To Realize a Green Economy 25/ 06/ 2009 |
At least 21 UN agencies today backed the call for a world-wide transition to a low carbon, resource efficient Green Economy able to deliver multiple economic, social and environmental opportunities in the 21st century. Such a transition is needed to catalyze a sustainable global economic recovery while generating decent jobs, enhancing food security, and reducing dependence on finite fossil fuels. A Green Economy can also address multiple persistent and looming crises from overcoming poverty and combating climate change to reversing the degradation of multi-trillion dollar ecosystems and their services, experts argue. |
30 years of Bonn Convention: Russia supports the protection of the Saiga antelope 25/ 06/ 2009 |
On the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Bonn Convention, the Russian Federation has enhanced its support for the conservation of the Saiga antelope by signing the relevant agreement established in the framework of the Convention. The Saiga antelope is one of most rapidly declining land mammal species worldwide. While one million of the ungulates still traveled through the Eurasian steppe as recently as the early 90s, their populations have dwindled to less than 100,000 animals today. |
Climate Change Picks Pace New IPCC Report Warns 22/ 06/ 2009 |
"The world faces a growing risk of "abrupt and irreversible climatic shifts," was the conclusion of report by international scientists issued on Thursday. The 36-page document summarized over 1,400 studies which were presented at a climate conference last March in Copenhagen attended by some 2,000 scientists from over 70 countries. The research, which was written and reviewed by many of the scientists who compiled the benchmark UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in 2007, presents the newest scientific evidence that warns that ocean temperatures, sea levels, extreme climate conditions and the retreat of the Arctic sea ice have picked up more pace than experts predicted two years ago. |
Action on HFC Gases 'Low Hanging Fruit' Opportunity to Combat Climate Change Says UN Environment Chief 22/ 06/ 2009 |
A scientific paper, highlighting the need to accelerate action over a group of gases known as Hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) as part of the climate change agenda, was today welcomed by the head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The findings, by an international team of researchers are published in the Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The scientists argue that HFC use could climb sharply in the coming years in products such as insulation foams, air conditioning units and refrigeration as replacements for ones being phased-out to protect the ozone layer. |
Best Environmental Techniques and Practices of Sound Chemicals Management Under the Spotlight at Stockholm Convention Meeting 12/ 06/ 2009 |
The workshop is designed to increase knowledge of national obligations regarding the unintentional emissions of POPs and the ESM of PCBs and POPs waste under the Stockholm Convention. |
Gentle Giants in Need: International Experts Issue Frankfurt Declaration to Call for Better Protection of Gorillas 11/ 06/ 2009 |
The new "Frankfurt Declaration" highlights major threats to gorillas and their habitats, as well as the strategies available for the conservation of the second closest relative to humankind. |
Green Economy Day for World Environment Day 2009 as Mexico Announces Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Cuts and Five New Protected Areas 07/ 06/ 2009 |
Echoing the 'Healing the Earth' ceremonies of Mexico's ancient Mayan civilization, President Calderon announced on World Environment Day his government's landmark plans to combat climate change alongside the establishment of new protected areas. |
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