Marx's Ecology
Materialism and Nature
 John Bellamy Foster Published by Monthly Review 2000, 288pp, ISBN 1583670122, Paperback $30.00
Progress requires the conquest of nature. Or does it? This new account overturns conventional interpretations of Marx and in the process outlines a more rational approach to the current environmental crisis.
Marx, it is often assumed, cared only about industrial growth and the development of economic forces. John Bellamy Foster examines Marx's neglected writings on capitalist agriculture and soil ecology, philosophical naturalism, and evolutionary theory. He shows that Marx, known as a powerful critic of capitalist society, was also deeply concerned with the changing human relationship to nature.
Marx's Ecology covers many other thinkers, including Epicurus, Charles Darwin, Thomas Malthus, Ludwig Feuerbach, P. J. Proudhon, and William Paley.
By reconstructing a materialist conception of nature and society, Marx's Ecology challenges the spiritualism prevalent in the modern Green movement, pointing toward a method that offers more lasting and sustainable solutions to the ecological crisis.
Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism?: A Critical Analysis of Humanity's Fundamental Choices (Paperback)
By: Saral K. Sarkar (Author)
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Short Desription
This major synoptic work is remarkable for its author’s holistic treatment of the environment and social justice as inescapably related questions. He refuses to analyze the industrialized and developing countries as though they are so different that any understanding of the one can ignore the other. Saral Sarkar argues that the USSR bumped up against environmentally defined and resource-related limits to growth at a relatively early stage; but this does not mean that a free market, globalized capitalist economy will indefinitely escape a similar fate. Nor will a modified "eco-capitalism," as promoted by some sections of the Western environmental movement, provide a sufficiently grounded solution to the twin problems of environmental destruction and social injustice. The author looks, therefore, to a fundamentally different future--one in which our very notion of progress is differently conceived.

And we Are doing it: Building an Ecovillage Future
by JT Ross Jackson
from the Foreword by David C. Korten, author of "When Corporations Rule the World"
This book presents the personal life journey and vision of a very special human being, Ross Jackson, and his life partner Hildur Jackson. The story gains a special power and interest from the fact that Ross leads an unusual double life. In the world of global finance he is known as the board chair of Gaiacorp, a leading manager of currency based hedge funds and advisor to international financial institutions on foreign exchange management. In the world of environmental activism, he is known as the board chair of Gaia Trust, a visionary grant making foundation that has expended more than $15 million in Gaiacorp profits to support groups around the world pioneering the development of ecovillages and green enterprises as the foundation of a 21st century civilization.
Books about nature, the environment and social issues for young teens
- The Boat Who Wouldn't Float, by Mowat, Farley
Starfire, 1984, Mass Market Paperbound, $5.50 - Happy Adventure was a schooner with one fatal flaw. It leaked like a sieve. So why would anyone repeatedly expose himself and his friends to the elements of the North Atlantic in a treacherous, stubborn, uncomfortable, unfloatable boat which at last count, has sunk eight times? Any explanation of this appalling narative seems outrageously unlikely. But the story is true. All too true. And it's decidedly the funniest story yet from Farley Mowat, whose books have sold over a million and a half copies in this country alone.
- The Box of Stars: A Practical Guide to the Mythology of the Night Sky, by Tennant, Catherine
Bulfinch Press, 1993, Paperback, $25.95 - For everyone who has gazed at the heavens and tried to pick out the constellations, each image on these colorful, oversized cards is pierced with tiny holes along the pattern of the constellation as it appears in the night sky in a magical interactive approach to mapping the cosmos.
- Building an Igloo, by Steltzer, Ulli
Henry Holt & Company, 1999, Paperback, $7.95 - A photo-essay picture book showing the traditional Inuit way of building a snow igloo.
- Charlotte's Web, by White, E B
HarperTrophy, 1974, Paperback, $6.99 - Wilbur, a lovable pig, is rescued from a cruel fate by a beautiful and intelligent spider named Charlotte. "Told with delicacy, humor, and wisdom . . . a perfect blending of fantasy and complete realism".—"Booklist". Newberry Honor Book; ALA Notable Children's Books of 1940-1970.
- The Dog Who Wouldn't Be, by Mowat, Farley
Starfire, 1984, Mass Market Paperbound, $5.50 - Farely Mowat's best loved book tells the splendidly entertaining story of his boyhood on the Canadian prairies. Mutt's pedigree was uncertain, but his madness was indisputable. He climbed tress and ladders, rode passenger in an open car wearing goggles and displaying hunting skills that bordered on sheer genius. He was a marvelous dog, worthy of an unusual boy growing up a raw, untamed wilderness.
- Entomology, by Doris, Ellen
Thames & Hudson, 1993, Hardcover, $16.95 - A book about studying insects that teaches children to raise caterpillars and watch their metamorphosis into butterflies or moths, search for insects in fields, keep crickets at home and observe their territoriality, and more. Part of the Children's School of Science series. Almost 200 photos.
- Faraway Home, by Kurtz, Jane , Lewis, E B, Illustrator
Gulliver Books, 2000, Hardcover, $16.00 - Desta's father, who needs to return briefly to his Ethiopian homeland, describes what it was like for him to grow up there.