Pre & Post-Conference Meetings & Presentations
21/1 10:00
Everest Seminar Room, Beit Jala
18/1 15:00
Tel Aviv University, Azrieli School of Architecture
Tel Aviv
18/1 11:00
Technion School of Architecture
17/1 14:00
Wizo School of Interior Design
12/1 19:00
TAU School of Architecture
Tel Aviv
12/1 19:00
Bezalel Academy School of Architecture
12/1 9:00
HIT Interior Design Studios
10/1 13:30
HIT Master Program
Room 206 Building 7, Holon
10/1 11:30
College of Management Green Design Class
Law Building, Rishon
9/1 13:15
HIT Industrial Design
Room 400 Building 6, Holon
8/1 10:00
HIT Industrial Design
Building 6, Holon
12/12 10:00
ECOWEEK 2011 in Athens, Greece
AKTO Evelpidon 11A Athens
5/11 10:00-13:00
ECOWEEK presented at 'HOUSES FROM WITHIN' more (no.86)
Rachel Imenu 15, Greek Colony, Jerusalem
More ECOWEEK meetings will be posted shortly.
Saturday February 25, 2012
Venues in Google Earth: here
All day
Arrival & check-in on your own
Sunday February 26, 2012
ECOWEEK & HIT Conference: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Workshops on-site registration
Venue: HIT Lobby Bldg 6 Holon | Registration only
ECOWEEK 2012: Press Conference (to be confirmed)
Distinguished Guests: Daniel Pearl, Architect (L'OEUF, Canada), Elena Barthel, Architect (Rural Studio, USA)
Moderator: To be announced
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon
Coffee Break
ECOWEEK 2012 Introduction & Welcome
Speakers: Prof. Gadi Golan (HIT), Arch. Amos Bareli (HIT), Arch. Braha Kunda (HIT), Arch. Dr. Elias Messinas (ECOWEEK)
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Opening Lecture
Speaker: To be announced
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Design & Ecology: Micro & Macro & Community Cooperation
Speakers: Arch. Hillel Schocken, Nurit Alfassi
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Action: Building 'green' Communities
Short remarks and discussion: Elena Barthel (Rural Studio, USA), Alessio Battistella (ARCo, Italy), Arch. Thomas Doxiadis (doxiadis+, Greece), Suzanne Deschamps, Real Estate Developer (Canada)
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Pearl, Architect (L'OEUF, Canada) more
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
In cooperation and with the support of HIT.
ECOWEEK Workshops: Meet your Workshop Group
Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Registration only
Exhibition opening by eco-artist Shai Zakai
Venue: HIT Gallery Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Reception buffet
Venue: HIT Gallery Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free

Monday February 27, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops: Registration only
Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Design Workshops & Site Visits
Venue: Assigned Workshop Group
Registration only
ECOWEEK Keynote Lecture & Panel: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
Keynote Speaker: Elena Barthel, RURAL STUDIO more
Speakers: To be announced
Moderator: Carmella Yakobi-Wolk Director, Interior Design Department, College of Management
Venue: Municipality of Rishon, Rishon LeZion | Admission free
In cooperation and with the support of the Municipality of Rishon LeZion and the US Embassy.
Tuesday February 28, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops: Registration only
Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Design Workshops
Venue: Assigned Workshop Group
Registration only
ECOWEEK Lectures: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
To be announced
More details will be posted shortly.
Wednesday February 29, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops: Registration only
Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Design Workshops
Venue: Assigned Workshop Group
Registration only
ECOWEEK Lectures: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
Keynote speaker: Christoph Ingenghoven, Architect (Ingenhoven Architects, Germany)
Honorary guests:
Yiorgos Kaminis, Mayor of Athens (Greece) & Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem
Moderator: Yuval Yaski, Architect (Director, Bezalel Academy, Architecture Department)
Venue: Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem | Admission free
In coopeartion and with the support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the cooperation of Jerusalem Municipality and Bezalel Academy for Arts and Design
Reception buffet
Thursday March 1, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops: Registration only
Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Design Workshops
Assigned Workshop Group
Registration only
ECOWEEK Design Workshops Meeting
Venue: To be announced | Registration only
ECOWEEK Lectures: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth:
Greek Music & Environmental Event
Live Greek music: Perah Adom
Venue: Moshav Zur Moshe | Public admission: 50 shekels incl. mezes
For inquiries and reservations:
Madlene 052-3392703
ECOWEEK Event: By invitation only
Venues in Google Earth:
Friday March 2, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops Presentation: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
Workshop Presentations, Discussion & Diplomas
Critics Panel:
Elena Barthel, Architect (Rural Studio, USA), Daniel Pearl, Architect (L'OEUF, Canada), Ulf Meyer, Architect (Ingenhoven, Germany), Jan Johansson, Architect (Denmark), Thomas Doxiadis (doxiadis+, Greece), Claudio Spaziani Testa, Architect (KEA, Denmark).
Venue: HIT Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Saturday March 3, 2012
ECOWEEK Site Visits: OPTIONAL | Registration only
Venues in Google Earth:
Site Visits more
Thursday March 15, 2012
ECOWEEK Workshops Projects Exhibition: Admission free
Venues in Google Earth: here
To be announced
ECOWEEK 2012: Workshops Projects EXHIBITION
Venue: Main Lobby Jerusalem Municipality Building 1 Safra Square, Jerusalem | Admission free
In cooperation and with the support of the Municipality of Jerusalem, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and Bezalel Academy.
The exhibition will remain open till March 31.
More details to be posted.


The program may change without prior notice. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program without prior notice. Changes due to force major are not the responsibility of the organizers. In case of a force major the program will be revised accordingly to accommodate the best possible alternative. Please consult this program prior to your arrival to the venue, in case there is a last minute change.